In the world of monochrome...

In the morning, I had a secondary job interview with a company I applied to. It all went well, and they decided to hire me as of 10/OCT. I was very relieved and thankful to the supports I received from whatever visible or invisible. 

I immediately decided to visit a temple in Kyoto to say and show my gratitude to my mother's side ancestors where they are being enshrined for memorial service. 
After that, I went to Kenninji-temple near by where a famous twin dragon drawing can be seen on the ceiling. 

For me right now, dragons are very important as they are guiding me to a right direction of life with a great support. Even for the job interviews this time. They are not visible for me, but I'm sure that I'm feeling a tremendous support from them. They might have been supporting all the time since my younger age, but I just sadly didn't recognize their existence.  

I'm wondering when I see them directly....

Anyway, thank you, my dragons. 


