At the state of abstraction...

Soon after getting home from Osaka Airport, I unpacked my luggage. Very easy because I had only some clothes and 5 packs of chocolate souvenir. All the clothes were already done in laundry before leaving Vienna at my friend's flat. 

And then I went to Umeda to visit a public employment security office to start searching a new job. To be honest, I'm still not ready to work because I am not energized and recovered enough yet from energy consuming events for years, and I am more now at the state of abstraction after coming back home from Vienna, but I need to for my living. I probably will find one soon next week. 

I developed photos of my newly joined guardian I met by chance in Vienna. I'm wondering how to put it in my room. Maybe better share a few of them as a gift with a close friend who understand me well. I realize one thing after coming back from Vienna that my guardians are very strict in the circle of my friend. 

They actually may be choosing friends and personal connections for me. If they find something not nice, dishonest in them even though I've spent some time to build up a relationship. They are just trying to protect me from getting hurt and troubled. I really appreciate it. Thanks to it, I have only friends left who has a sense of honest and compassionate. I also understand that they lead me to people who are sort of not nice by purpose for my learning. But sometimes I feel like "What was everything so far?", and tend to find my life aloof from others. 

Anyway, I just say "Thank you" to them for this time again...


