With my brother...

One day before my departure, my friend's husband asked me if I would like to go out for dinner. Of course, Yes! Since their baby was a little bit not in good health, my friend and their baby stayed at home, and only her husband and I went out for dinner. Unfortunately, it was raining and chilly in temperature.

He always takes well care of him every time I visit Vienna, and I consider him as a real elder brother which I've wanted since my childhood.  We went to a local restaurant where we can try a local beer directly brewed in their brewery. We ordered one local beer and beer soup for each. 

Though my German is not good, we kept communicating with each other in German even though he speaks some English. He always keeps speaking to me in German for my German. 

Later we went a cafe in the center for another drinks. While there, he showed me photos and videos taken after his baby was born. He seems to be very happy with what he finally get after the over 50 years of his life. He must have been waiting for the moment that everything was ready, and that we came to him. Our life drama is not like as simple as others. 

I heard from my friend that he had already given up his dreams that he had an ordinary happy family life with a dog, and decided to live by himself for the rest of his life. He probably might have been through many things in his life until he had come to the conclusion. However the God never abandoned his hope, and the God finally gave him a great fortune for his life long innocent efforts. He is definitely a person that the God always want to give a hand to. 

I may be probably at the state of what he was. For me, I tried things as much as possible, but I'm about to make a decision. Whatever I come to a decision and conclusion, I'm gonna be ready to follow it... 


