JANUARY 2025 ~ Happy New Year・・・

謹賀新年 2025!

Happy New Year 2025!


After recovering from a severe flu that I had caught on January 2nd, I have finally got time to update my New Year's greeting article. I managed to finish my shift on  January 2nd and 3rd, but I ended up suffering from a high fever for several days afterwards. I've never had a cold this bad in the past 20 years. With Fatigue piling up in December, I guess that I easily contracted a virus. It was a kind of family pandemic that started with my mother. My father and I later got sick on the same day.  

毎年新年を迎えるたび、不確かな未来に希望と不安が入り交ざる気持ちを抱くものですが、正直そういった感情に囚われるのは無意味かもしれません。12月の先の投稿(Adieu 2024・・・)でも触れましたが、何が起こっても今この瞬間の心の状態「中今」に集中して未来を繋げていくしかありません。

Every time we welcome a New Year, we always have a mixed feeling of hope and anxiety for an unknown future. However, it is nothing, but pointless to be obsessed with these feelings. As I wrote my previous article in December (Adieu 2024・・・ ), whatever happens, we have no choice, but focus on the state of mind being in the moment, "Nakaima", to lead myself to future. 



Fortunately, I have a 3-day offs from yesterday. I will stay at home quietly today except for shopping at a supermarket. And I hope that I will be able to visit a shrine in Awaji island tomorrow with my energy boosted up. 

I wish your great start in 2025!


