Typhoon’s damage...

In the next morning after the typhoon #21 hit Osaka area, I went to Nagai Park for jogging. When I got there, it looked like an ordinary day. I saw people walking, jogging and running. However it wasn't inside the park finding many trees mowed down by the strong power of Typhoon winds. 

The trees mowed down were blocking the path in the park, and we were moving forward finding its way through. I couldn't stop realizing that it was a big damage and impact on our life. We are sure that it is taking some time to be restored from this harsh damages. 

As medias reporting Kansai-Osaka International Airport (KIX)'s damage, it was an unbelievable damage. High Tides covered the runways and caused a flood in the facilities. Also a oil tanker crashed into one of poles of the access bridge to the airport, and bent the road. The transportation was completely shut for a while. 

These damages may cause a huge impact not only on our life, but also on Osaka's current economy growth by foreign inbound tourism. Checking the neighbor's damage from my balcony with my land load, he said, "The sky-rocketing growth might be cooled down somehow, and some chaos with foreign tourists especially in Shinsaibashi and Nanba area might be gone for a while".   

I rented a car to visit my home town cause JR line wasn't restored for operation yet. On the way, there were many traffic lights not functioning, and some were turned into inappropriate directions. Very scary to drive though the way, especially at the crossroads where pedestrians were also trying to cross it. 

There are still more than 1 million families in total of Kansai region still suffering from the Blackout. My parent are included in the number. Fortunately, my sisters's house were recover quickly from the blackout, and they are currently relying on her support until its recovery. And so I'm not worried much so far right now. 

I always find the beauty of nature especially typhoons are gone. I took a coast like road of Osaka South Port to go back to my town. and the Sunset was so beautiful. I never took the route, and I felt very luck to find this amazing photo shooting point for Sunset views. A bit far and inconvenient to get there, but it might be worth visiting again to grab the moments. 

Anyway, life is a miracle...


