Steadily shifting to SLR Camera...

My photography works are steadily shifting from iPhone to SLR camera, and I feel I need to cause I'm now trying to seek for better quality. Before purchasing my current SLR, "EOS Kiss X7" 2 years ago, I had a chat with Joko, my former best colleague in Ishigaki island. And he advised me to purchase a long-range zoom lens as well with the initial kits which already included a short-range zoom lens because it is surely going to be necessary. However I didn't because I was not sure then if I'm going into SLR photography. At that time, I was relatively satisfied with my iPhone camera. 

"All right, let's give it a try without a long-range zoom lens at first, and see what's gonna happen!"

I got my own first SLR camera later, but I rarely used it for about a year because I didn't know much knowledge about the functions and skills, and I still found my iPhone much easier to capture moments occasionally. 

It was probably when I attended my niece's wedding last March. I started feeling, "I want to use my SLR well". For her wedding, however, not enough time to learn and practice it, and I ended up relying on my iPhone camera as usual. My iPhone was not bad, and I captured some good moments of her wedding. I made a small Photo book for her, and she was satisfied, but I was honestly not happy because I was feeling frustrated with the limits in iPhone's function and quality. It was really obvious in quality when I developed the photos. 

Last month, I went to Sumiyoshi Shrine Summer Festival with my SLR camera which was really an amazing Festival, and there were a plenty of great moments which were worth taking photos. I tried my best with my short-range zoom lens to capture especially the guys in the festival. However I had to sigh for my short-range zoom lens from a bit far position for the photo objects. I just could not reach them to capture the moment at the levels of my satisfaction.

Yesterday I finally got a long-range zoom lens for my SLR though it was totally an unexpected expense. However I'm very happy about it, and I'm feeling excited now to seek for the moments I would feel fascinated with It is going to be a great tool.

It is raining outside today, and the temperature is really mild and comfortable. Soon or later in one month, we are going to have beautiful Autumn colorful moments.  So many things and ideas I'd like to try with my SLR camera.

Just can't wait!


