Carriers in generations...

I watched Sumiyoshi Festival the other day as I posted in the link below;

Yamato Spirit

I followed a huge portable moving shrine and guys who carried the almost 2t moving shrine. Right after it departed, a golden phoenix attached on the top had to be removed temporally to go through the low gate. 

若者頭 (Wakamono gashira)/Leader for the young quickly climbed up onto the roof and tired to remove it with another guy. The phoenix looked very heavy, and he struggled to took it off. The way they handled the golden phoenix was very very gentle with respect. 

I hear that this huge size moving shrine was remade after almost 70 years and returned to the festival last year thank to the donations. There is a rumor that it costed more than 100 million yen though the official is less. 

The gilt covered on the mail alter and the phoenix was shining so brightly with dignity for the God to be seated inside. I just wondered that the weight of 2t was a weight of the God.

The guys who carried the potable shrine on their shoulders clenched their teeth feeling the huge weight. Whether like it or not, they must have felt how heavy the moving shine was and the weight of the God.

The traditions were inherited from generation to generation. The previous generations who used to carry the moving shrine kept giving a warm attention to the young watching over the progress of the procession. 

We can't avoid the changes of era as well as the ones of people's interest to tradition. The festival committee are now facing some straggles to find those carriers lately. However those who willingly committed themselves to this holy event looked so happy with a pride after the role was safely done. 

At the river side of Yamato river, my attention was drawn to a guy's back with a plenty of sweat soaking into their white 法被/Happi clothing. Around 5 o'clock in the evening, the Sun slightly started sun-setting to the horizon, and the gentle Sunlight was gently shining on his shoulders as if the God appreciated his commitment and effort. 

Those who carried the moving shine surely will receive a plenty of mercy of the God...

More photos:

Masami Egashira (Facebook)


