Suddenly coming back to swimming pool...

I visited Mr. Okazaki and Ms. Oda at the office of NPO Pool Volunteer this evening for some reasons. I was active as one of the initial volunteer members until 2008 to support people who need some help in the swimming pool, mostly physically challenged people ranged from kids to matured. 

Later my life's flow was shifted to keeping myself away from swimming pool suddenly. That might have been because of my tour leader job. I had to travel here and there in the world, and to work irregularly in different time zones. Also because of the physically and mentally fatigues piled up during my career. 

However I was suddenly led to coming back to Swimming pool as a volunteer again this evening after 10 years. 

"10 years". 

"What is the flow....?"

"How come I'm coming back to PV (Pool Volunteer)...?

I could't stop feeling curious about it on the way to a restaurant with them for dinner.

While waling to the restaurant, I noticed a shrine gate closed near the Pool Volunteer office. The name was 坐摩神社行宮  (Zama Jinjya Angu), and they told me a bit about the shire. However I decided to leave it at that moment. 

After coming back to my room, I searched for the origin of the shrine on the internet, and I found out that it was one of the first shrine from 99 shrines on the way for 熊野詣 (Kumanomoude), and 豊臣秀吉 (TOYOTOMI Hideyoshi) moved it to where 坐摩神社 (Zama Jinjya Shrine) is currently located in Honmachi Area only to build 大阪城 (Osaka Castle). 

"Wow, Hideyoshi did that!"

Very interesting, but no time tonight to search for further information. I had to swim with a kid tomorrow morning.


