Mt. Kaimondake (Satsuma Fuji)...



One of another priority things to do during my birthday trip this year was to climb Mt. Kaimondake in Satsuma Peninsula, Kagoshima. I'd been fascinated with this mountain for long, but don't know when it started. Every time I went to Ishigaki Island by plane taking a route over Kagoshima area, and I would gaze down at the mountain from the window. 

It is also called "Satsuma Fuji" as a nickname which is mixed with the name of Mt. Fuji worldly known as the most Holy mountain in Japan. There are many mountains called "〇〇 Fuji", and Mt. Kaimondake is one of them. The shape of those mountains are various, but Mt. Kaimondake is very resemble to Mt. Fuji, and 924m above sea level which is also 1/4 of Mt. Fuji (3776m).  


Speaking of Japan's myth, there is an opinion that Mt. Kaimondake might be a advent place of the Goddess AMATERASU which is the highest in Japan's Shinto God ranking. Once interested in Japan's myth, we easily learn that a story of the God NINIGI's advent (A Ground Son of AMATERASU) known as "Tenson Korin" is a turning point of the myth. As for the both of the advent stories, I have my own ideas. 


I left the hotel very early in the morning, and Mt. Kaimondake appeared in sight after less than 30min drive. I was very overwhelmed with the outstanding view. I mean, it was standing there as if emitting a very strong power. That's how I was overwhelmed with it. The weather forecast was fine that day, but some clouds was covering around the top in the morning. On the way, I stopped by the Japan's Southernmost Station "Nishi Ohyama" station to see a famous view and take a photo. 



Before arriving "Kainmon Sanroku Fureai Kouen" which is a park with an access to the mountain, I stpped by "Hirakiki Jinjya" shrine to pray the God for a safety in the mountain. Nobody was there except for one shrine staff sweeping the grounds. I found him very friendly over a short conversation, which I felt fortunate enough somehow for today. 

I filled out a form at the park office to enter the mountain, and walked for 10min to the starting point (2nd Check Point). After this point, the path kept on just upfill for 2 hours passing check points. My time schedule was as follows; 

公園出発/Park Departure    07:35
2合目着/2nd Check Point    07:50
3合目着/3rd Check Point    08:08
4合目着/4th Check Point    08:21
5合目着/5th Check Point    08:34
6合目着/6th Check Point    08:52
7合目着/7th Check Point    09:09
8合目着/8th Check Point    09:24
9合目着/9th Check Point    09:42
頂上到着/Top Arrival           10:03
頂上出発/Top Departure      10:30
公園到着/Park Arrival          12:30


To be honest, it was much easier and more fun to climb Mt. Kaimondake than Mt. Takachihonomine. I felt excited for each step compared with feeling scared of falling down walking on an unstable path in Mt. Takachihonomine. Of course, the path in Mt. Kaimondake was somehow unstable with volcanic rocks and sands, but the trees and grasses might have protected me as if distracting my attention. In Mt. Takachimonomine, it was like I was just thrown away for a challenge without any protection. 


I spent 30min on the top. Though some clouds flowing blocked the view at beginning, but some time later I could enjoy this amazing clear sky and scenery. When I looked down on the ground, I found a stone monument to commemorate that Japan's current Emperor stood here at this point when he was a Crown Prince. He was here in Summer, and it must've been super hot, I guess.   


On the downhill, I felt very energized. Of course, I focused on each step not to get hurt. This mountain is a volcano, and I found a rock probably made from lava. 



I bought a certificate of climbing at the Park office by \100. A very good-looking staff asked me to fill out the certificate by myself. I wondered if I dare ask him to write it for me, but I didn't. 



After I left the park, I visited "Hirakiki Jinjya" shrine once again to thank the God for the safety in the mountain. And then I also visited "Nishi Ohyama" station again to tame a better photo. I have a feeling that I just like this mountain, and would like to climb it again. Of course, it's hard, but I could get a plenty of energy. 

I do hope to come back here in the near future. 



