Sakura 2018
Plum flowers gave us a hint that Winter is finishing soon last month. Red, Pink, White, and Yellow... For my personal opinions, plum flowers are much more amusing in terms of colors, shapes and the length of their flourish moments.
However the popularity of Sakura is always superior to Plum flowers and any others because it has been holding an established global position to give us a hint that Spring is just arriving.
I took this photo of Sakura buds on 13th of March, and Sakura in Osaka downtown is now almost in full bloom this week. Every body says;
"Too early! It won't last by the first week of April"
Whatever we complain, they won't listen to us. When they think is a time to bloom, they do bloom. That's it! Nature perfectly knows how seasons go and change in timing. We humans just follow it. For my iphone Photography, I'm getting busy day by day because there are so many lovely flowers to catch my attentions, and I take the photos.
"Don't miss the moment!"
Not only for Sakura, but for others, their "Moments" are very limited. My skills to catch the moments has been improved I guess as I find more nicer photos of mine in quality.
Sometimes I take a look at my old pieces, and find poor compositions. They are literary poor-skilled pieces to express the moments.
A few days ago, I was cycling in my neighborhood. While waiting for a traffic light to change, one Sakura flower suddenly and solemnly started drifting in the air and falling onto the ground. The warmth lingered in the appearance. I pulled over my bike immediately to take the last moments.
I just wondered if I could catch the moment as it might have wished to be...
I just wondered if I could catch the moment as it might have wished to be...