The unknown kind turned out to be...

"Lady" (We just named her) in Koh Samui
"Unknown" in Ishigaki island

”Genki? -How are you?"

I got a line message last night from a good friend from Melbourne, Australia. It was a good timing because I was just searching the flight fare trying to find a possibility to see him again after a while.

He says that it has been almost 10 years since his last visit in Japan. While his 3 year life in Osaka, we used to go to cafe, or do strolling around in the town quite a lot whenever we had time. For me, he was one of few foreigners whom I felt relaxed to be with. He was just a kind of "At his own pace" person" same as me.
He just started feeling to go to Okinawa because he saw a tourism program featuring Okinawa.

We were further talking abut life in general, and I said to him, "I would like to have a dog if everything is settled in future. I already have my ideal future photo". He asked me to show the photo, and I did. The dogs I came across at 2 different places. "Lady" and "Ms. Unknown". I thought it was just a hybrid kind, but the answer from him was simple.

"Ah, this is an Australian Kelpie"

"Eh, is it!?"

I looked it up on the internet, and it seems to be definitely Australian Kelpie.

Now I found out what kind of dog I really need to have in future.

I felt good know!










